The right bookkeeper can be vital to the success of your business and the stress you experience as a business owner. Accounting principles may be basically the same for all businesses, but specific industry needs will determine which ‘best practices’ will help your business thrive and meet all financial commitments and taxation requirements. Your business success may be dependent on our experienced and professional ability to adapt to these requirements.
1.BAS agency – so you know you’re dealing with professionals qualified for BAS or IAS submissions.
2.Flexibility – your place or ours and evening consultations. We can work in many different ways to fit in with your business and personal needs. We can work remotely or on a mobile basis in your office or a combination of both. One feature that businesses really appreciate, especially in the early stages of Cash Ways taking over your accounts is that we can do evening consultations by appointment. This allows you to continue working in your business during the day but have focused time working with us in the evening. This allows a win-win situation where you can work in your business as well as work on your business when there are no interruptions. Depending on your business needs and circumstances, we can tailor our services to working in your office situation or ours or a combination of both so as to achieve the best outcome from our services.
3.Personalised one-on-one with business owner. We guarantee that you will not be fobbed off to the ‘office junior’ or just a data entry person. Alyca and Desley will work closely with you as the business owner to so that your specific business needs are catered for and you understand changes and new procedures every step of the way.
4.Experienced in wide range of industry types. Cash Ways works with small business owners across a wide range of businesses including light industry, specialist manufacturing, service industries, software development and IT service suppliers, internet marketers, child care services, school support services, food manufacturing, health industry, alternative health services providers, not-for-profit, and registered charity providers. We have strong experience in providing record keeping and reporting for businesses requiring yearly audits. We understand the audit process that some businesses, trusts, body corporates, community organisations, and industry bodies must go through and work to ensure that transactions are recorded correctly and supported by appropriate documentation. A business that is subject to audit needs to be very mindful of how their bookkeeping is done and that it is done within the confines of their constitution and other legal requirements.
5.Guaranteed no overseas workers who don’t understand ATO tax rules. We guarantee that you will not be assigned to overseas workers who do not understand Australian tax law. Using overseas workers for outsourcing bookkeeping work is used by many other bookkeepers and accountants because it is usually very cheap labour. But this cheap labour has no understanding of how the Australian tax system works. This type of cost cutting is false economy as it can involve lots of checking to repair incorrect transaction codings. For example, invoices from Australian insurance companies are difficult to break down during the coding process if you don’t understand how GST is charged on some items and not others. This leads to incorrect BAS submissions and then necessary correction by the tax accountant. All of this creates time wastage and incorrect figures.
6.Highly experienced in rescue work when your current bookkeeping problems reach a crisis. We are experienced in rescue or remedial bookkeeping work where we take on businesses that do not have a properly functioning bookkeeping system or have had ‘the bookkeeper from hell’ making a mess of your books. We have taken on businesses where 2 years of audit work had to be redone and others where there were 18 months of unreconciled transactions for a business which had 12 branches. It’s situations like these that can be helped with cloud based accounting where processes can be automated with pattern recognition and the problems can be resolved more quickly.
We also do work where smaller business owners just don’t understand enough about the accounting requirements to set up specific and sometimes complicated business arrangements. Typically, these businesses then just can’t handle the easier bits because they know the set up wasn’t done correctly and it’s become a huge hurdle that they just can’t get over. These situations become major stress points which can jeopardise the success of the whole business.
6.Strong management accounting skills to provide better decision making. Our management accounting skills makes us standout as bookkeepers. Our management accounting skills can be used to take your business to the next level as we provide financial reports that are extremely useful in providing the right type of information for business decision making. And we provide that information on a regular basis, usually monthly but weekly if necessary, so you can make timely changes to your business as necessary based on how your business has been performing and where you want your business to be in terms of success.
Short and long-term financial planning with budgeting processes and cash flow control will provide the framework to manage your business to achieve your desired outcomes.
8.Experienced working with audit processes to provide accurate documentary evidence. We understand the audit process that some businesses, trusts, body corporates, community organisations, and industry bodies must go through and work to ensure that transactions are recorded correctly and supported by appropriate documentation. A business that is subject to audit needs to be very mindful of how their bookkeeping is done and that it is done within the confines of their constitution and other legal requirements.
9.Experienced trainers for all levels of skill requirements and types of software. We have had extensive experience in training people in accounting and bookkeeping processes and in software usage. So, you are assured that you and your staff will benefit from our training sessions which will be tailored exactly to your business needs. Our training experience also includes writing procedure manuals and providing how-to-videos so that staff will always have a reference point when needed for their queries.
*Note: Cash Ways Bookkeeping Services is not a registered tax agent. All financial reports will be provided for management purposes and to tax prep and/or audit prep stage for your tax accountant or auditor.
Important: The material and contents provided in the information above are informative in nature only. The information supplied relates exclusively to generalized situations and should not be applied to any other situation. They are not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information alone. Cash Ways Bookkeeping Services are not registered tax agents or lawyers and cannot provide advice on income tax or legal issues especially for individual businesses which will have unique and specific circumstances. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained from your registered tax agent and/or professional legal adviser.